Read this!
Just wanted to tell you that I'm going to start over again, artbyfelicia is the new name but the design is not finished yet :)
EDIT: I fininshed the design today so now you can read, I'll delete this one very soon!
Where do you get inspiration from? My mom has always inspired me, also my older sister. They've been inspiring me because they've done so much for me and for others. They've reached goals I thought they couldn't reach. My mom and my sister gave me enough confidence to choose the Art programme in High School. I also get inspiration from websites like weheartit and bloggers like Kan Dee, Le Love and Michaela D. Music is also a good way to get inspiration, like Lady Gaga- Born this way, Bruno Mars- Just the way you are, Chris Medina- What are words and Miley Cyrus- The climb. To get even more inspiration I try to do something, it doesn't have to be a big thing like leaving the country, it could be to just visit a friend. Or when I'm in school and half asleep because the lesson is boring, I suddenly wake up and I've got an idea of a drawing or a photo session. As easy as that. Inspiration shouldn't be something exclusive, it should be something fun! :)
Who am I?
I started this blog, without even thinking of the most important part- an introduction. But it's never too late, so here it goes;
My name is Felicia, I was born in January- 95 in Stockholm. I've always been living in Stockholm and I think it's a nice place. But I've also got family living in Hungary and Denmark, I miss them a lot but as I don't see them very often I really enjoy our moments together. :)
My favourite subjects in school are music, art, swedish and english. Of course it depends on what we're doing in every subject, but overall those are my favourites. I'm in grade nine, which means I will be going to high school very soon. I'm going to the Arts programme, Social Science- Art.
After school I usually meet friends, study, draw and, as you may know, I love photography. I've got my own camera, a Sony a230. I want to change to a Canon though, as it will be much easier to buy equipment. But right now I'm happy with my Sony.
People ask me a lot about my future because I'm in grade nine and 16 years old... I still think I'm young and I don't want to grow up. But at the same time I look forward to high school, meet new friends etc. I might want to move to Copenhagen and live there for a while, I don't really know why but I like the town a lot. I want to study Art, Photography or Journalism at a university, probably in Sweden.
This is my life right now, don't want to go any deeper than that, this is not a diary, it's for my photos.