Where do you get inspiration from? My mom has always inspired me, also my older sister. They've been inspiring me because they've done so much for me and for others. They've reached goals I thought they couldn't reach. My mom and my sister gave me enough confidence to choose the Art programme in High School. I also get inspiration from websites like weheartit and bloggers like Kan Dee, Le Love and Michaela D. Music is also a good way to get inspiration, like Lady Gaga- Born this way, Bruno Mars- Just the way you are, Chris Medina- What are words and Miley Cyrus- The climb. To get even more inspiration I try to do something, it doesn't have to be a big thing like leaving the country, it could be to just visit a friend. Or when I'm in school and half asleep because the lesson is boring, I suddenly wake up and I've got an idea of a drawing or a photo session. As easy as that. Inspiration shouldn't be something exclusive, it should be something fun! :)